What was the general requirement to be a Spartan citizen. To complete their education each student was sent out at the age of about 20 to assassinate a helot in the Spartan conquered land of Messinia. Sparta These laws meant that Sparta could not readily replace citizens lost in battle or otherwise and eventually proved near fatal to the continuance of the. . Anyone who could pay a fee or was born to Spartan citizens. He now enjoyed something 116 resembling a regular home life though he was still required to take a number of his meals away from home. As a true member of the state at age twenty the Spartans were allowed to marry but they would not. However usually the only boys eligible for the agoge were Spartiates those who could trace their ancestry to the original inhabitants of the city. The Spartan society was known for its highly-skilled warriors elitist administrators and its reverence for stoicism people today stil...
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